Why Gas Is Here to Stay: A Reliable Energy Source.
Absolutely. If you currently own an appliance that uses natural gas or LPG, you can have confidence that you’ll be able to use it for its expected lifetime (typically up to 15 years).
Blending gases will be an important part of our journey as we scale up to low and zero carbon gas energy, and most modern gas appliances are already able to run on a blend of natural gas and renewable hydrogen gas (up to 20%) or biogas. Newer compatible appliances will become widely available as we move towards a more renewable gas energy future.
Currently, Kiwi homes (directly using gas energy) produce less than 1%[3] of New Zealand’s total greenhouse gas emissions.
Information courtesy of Future Sure for more information please visit gasenergy.org.nz.
1. Gas Industry Facts at a Glance, 2019 (Gas Industry Co Ltd)
2. MBIE Electricity Generation Year to Mar 2021
3. MoE New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2019, May 2019
Our service area covers the Auckland Region. From Mangawai in the north to as far south as Hamilton.
Conditions apply to areas outside of Auckland.
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